/Users/ivankv/Desktop/New theme 1/new theme/simple-theme/index.php Sections – New Tech Ledgers


[section label=”Top Section” bg=”504″ bg_color=”rgb(41, 41, 41)” bg_overlay=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19)” bg_pos=”65% 40%” parallax=”3″ dark=”true” padding=”0px” height=”424px”] [row] [col span__sm=”12″ padding=”5% 6% 0px 10%” align=”center”] Section Element Sections are used for creating full width backgrounds with content inside it. You can have Parallax Effects and Background Videos. [/col] [/row] [/section] [section bg_color=”rgb(233, 233, 233)” padding=”50px”] [row] […]

/Users/ivankv/Desktop/New theme 1/new theme/simple-theme/footer.php